A woman and a child Neanderthal remains over 50,000 years old discovered in Barcelona
Neanderthal Remains found in Simanya Cave within Sant Llorenc Savall Natural Park near Barcelona city of Spain
Neanderthal Remains found in Simanya Cave within Sant Llorenc Savall Natural Park near Barcelona city of Spain
Archaeologists, developed methods for the enrichment and analysis of nuclear DNA from sediments, and applied them to cave deposits in western Europe and southern Siberia dated to between approximately 200,000 and 50,000 years ago.
The Roman amphitheatre of Cartagena is one of only eighteen which are known about in the Iberian Peninsula, and only seven of those have been the subject of in-depth archaeological investigation.
In contrast to other known rural churches, the tombs had not been plundered, but were in an excellent state of preservation, and an unaltered and perfectly recorded stratigraphy of occupation of the nave has been documented that allows the original…
Large Islamic necropolis excavated in Spain's Balearic islands. The typology of the graves, the absence of ceramic pieces, and the orientation of the remains indicate that it is an Islamic necropolis.
Chinese ceramic sherds dating to the Tang and Song dynasties (9th to 11th centuries AD) that have been recovered in Spain proved that trade links already existed between China and Western Europe along the Maritime Silk Road at that time.
Scientists have discovered that both foxes and dogs were domesticated. Also Scientists say; large dogs used for transporting loads.
Recreating the sound of the Islamic past of the Mosque of Cordoba. Based on the onsite acoustic measurements carried out in its current state as Mosque-Cathedral, the original state of the Mosque has been reconstructed in the different spatial…
Archaeological evidence showed that the first occupation of the site dated back to the Chalcolithic period. After a long hiatus, it was again occupied in the Late Roman period until the Late Middle Ages.
New discovery sheds light upon origin of flying squirrels. Described in the journal eLife, the 11.6-million-year-old fossil was discovered in a landfill, about 40 kilometres outside the Can Mata city in Spain.