Archaeological Haberleri

4,000-Year-Old Ceremonial Temple Discovered in Peru

4,000-Year-Old Ceremonial Temple Discovered in Peru

Archaeologists of the Ucupe Cultural Landscape Archaeological Project Unearth 4,000-Year-Old Ceremonial Temple in Peru. The structure appeas to predate Machu Picchu, the country’s best-known archaeological site, by 3,500 years

Triple burial from Copper Age found in Croatia

Triple burial from Copper Age found in Croatia

The grave was found almost empty. Only a few sherds and a shell were recovered from the soil surrounding the burials, but they were probably part of the fill of the grave pit

Ancient factories discoveries carried out in Valley of the Monkeys

Ancient factories discoveries carried out in Valley of the Monkeys

Aarchaeologists located a tank used to store drinking water, possibly for the needs of the workforce. The team found a scarab ring, hundreds of inlay beads and golden objects which were used to decorate royal coffins. Some of the inlays are shaped in…

Secrets of a Old Babylonian Villa in Ur City

Secrets of a Old Babylonian Villa in Ur City

Archaeological Finds tell who the owner of Babylonian Villa was. His name was Sîn-nada, and he was essentially high priest and managing director of the second most important temple in Ur, an office which made him a personage of considerable…

Using hominin introgression to trace Homo Sapiens

Using hominin introgression to trace Homo Sapiens

Genetic analysis has revealed that the ancestors of Homo Sapiens interbred with at least five different archaic human groups as they moved out of Africa and across Eurasia.